Welcome to the Euro-millions random bet generator!

How it works:

This tool picks a set of true random numbers (just hit Generate Bet!) and an optional set of rules that validate them, such as even, prime numbers or Fibonacci occurrences in the main sequence.

Even numbers:
Prime numbers:
Fibonacci numbers:
High numbers (>25):
Sum (x ± 30):
Dif (x ± 2):

Generate Bet

Last draw numbers:   4, 5, 39, 46, 48    Stars: 7, 10     Date: 5-3-2021

Euromillions numbers are randomly drawn, but they form patterns that can be studied and used to your advantage.

The source of our true random numbers is It actually comes from measuring the quantum fluctuations of the vacuum! In other words, it's truly random.

If you get a timeout message, it's because the generator gave up on finding random numbers to meet your input.

The following are some of the patterns supported by Amazebet. Feel free to study the Stats page to make the best decision.

Prime Numbers

All prime numbers or all non prime numbers get rarely drawn. Learn from past draws and pick the best mix in the Stats page.

Odd-even Numbers

When selecting a set of Euro Millions numbers, try to have an even mix of odd and even numbers. All odd numbers or all even numbers are rarely drawn. Find the best mix in the Stats page.

Fibonacci Numbers

From studying the past draws, you can see that picking at least a Fibonacci number is a good decision.

High-low Numbers

As you can see it in our Stats page, numbers are usually spread across the entire number field. All high or all low numbers are rare so you can take that information to choose a good mix, usually 3 highs (thus, 2 lows) or the inverse. We consider a high number if it's over 25.

Number Sum

Add together the five numbers you generated and try to have that sum within 30 of the average you see on the last 5 or 10 draws - You can check this in the Stats page.


You can specify the median diference between each number. Find the best mix in the Stats page.


14221 bets generated!


Disclaimer: This project makes no promises whatsoever as to increase your chances of winning any prize. You can also check the source-code for this site at Github