Workout Beacn

The Privacy Focused Workout App for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch!

Beacn App Running on iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch

Workout with Beacn! Track your progress, smash those activity rings!

Beacn is your cycling, running, and walking assistant!

/ˈbiːk(ə)n/ noun - a fire or light set up in a high or prominent position as a warning, signal, or celebration.

Record your position with GPS, speed, duration, calories, gradient changes, cadence and heart rate

From the moment you press Start, Beacn begins recording your position as it changes (including a timestamp, GPS or Barometer altitude and speed), the running time, the total distance and if available: heart rate and cadence data. (with TomTom's heart rate monitor, and TomTom's Cadence sensors).

At the end of each activity you can add notes, a picture, or share it with friends on social networks.

Read more, see screenshots and videos

Live tracking

Live Tracking is optional and shows your last known location along with a timestamp on a special Beacn website. This information is sent via HTTPS and only your position is stored on the server.

Unless you make it public, only someone who knows the username / password combination can access your last known location, making it completely private.

You can use this feature to let a close friend or a spouse know your location, for example, in case you go exercise alone.

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Accident detection with SMS support

Detect an unusual stop in your activity and send your current location by SMS.

Works by detecting a combination of significant G forces, device attitude changes and absence of further movement. If not canceled, a SMS is sent to the configured number on your Beacn's settings.

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All the data is locally stored on your device. Every feature that causes data to be sent is optional, and has to be initiated by the user.

No worries, no ads, no subscription required.

Read the privacy policy

And lots of other features!

• Get progress voice cues along your activity

• Challenge friends or the world with Game Center (Biking Beacn PRO Only)

• Syncs with Apple Health

• Syncs with FITBIT® Logging your activities (Biking Beacn PRO Only)

• UP BY JAWBONE™ Integration (Biking Beacn PRO Only)

• Sync between iOS devices, and explore the details of your activities on an iPad

• Apple Watch App with watchOS 2 support for Heart Rate sensor

• Workout plans

• Heart Rate Zones

• Weather information

• Pedometer (Biking Beacn PRO Only)

• Statistics

• Apple Music Playlists

Find out more

Want to keep using Runkeeper, Runtastic, Edmondo or any of your favourite fitness tracking App?

With Beacn Solo, you can get just the live tracking and accident detection features. Even if you don't want to use a fitness app, you can take advantage of Beacn Solo.

Where to get it?

Workout Beacn

Biking Beacn PRO

Beacn Solo




Some details on the app's development occasionally get published in the author's blog at Tumblr

Beacn and its tools do not provide medical advice and do not replace the advice of a medical professional.
Fitbit is a registered trademark and service mark of Fitbit, Inc. Bikcon is designed for use with the Fitbit platform. This product is not put out by Fitbit, and Fitbit does not service or warrant the functionality of this product.